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Fourteenth-Century Classicism. Petrarch and Bernat Metge

Sunday, 9 October, 2016


Eds. Lluís Cabré, Alejandro Coroleu and Jill Kraye, The Warburg Institute - Nino Aragno, London - Turin, 2012.

The papers in this volume study the early influence of Petrarch in France and in the Crown of Aragon. They focus, in particular, on Bernat Metge (c. 1348–1413), a prominent member of the Aragonese Royal Chancery, who produced a Catalan adaptation of Petrarch’s Griseldis (from Seniles, XVII, 3–4) around 1388, making a Latin work of Petrarch available for the first time in the Iberian Peninsula. Moreover, Metge’s fragmentary Apology(1395?) and his Dream (1399) reveal familiarity with Petrarch’sSecretumFamiliares and possibly De remediis. His fine imitation of Petrarchan models and his interest in classical literature put Metge on a par with contemporaneous writers elsewhere in Europe. This book aims to introduce a wider readership to an aspect of the dissemination of Petrarch’s Latin writings which has so far received little attention and also to shed light on the cultural relations between France and the Crown of Aragon in the late fourteenth- and early fifteenth centuries.

Alejandro Coroleu

Per una storia del petrarchismo latino: il caso del De remediis utriusque fortune in Francia (secoli XIV-XV)
Romana Brovia

Petrarch’s Griseldis from Philippe de Mézières to Bernat Metge
Lluís Cabré

Petrarch’s Africa in the Aragonese Court: Anníbal e Escipió by Antoni Canals
Montserrat Ferrer

Il Secretum di Petrarca e la confessione in sogno di Bernat Metge
Jaume Torró

Lo somni di Bernat Metge e coloro ‘che l’anima col corpo morta fanno’ (Inferno,X.15)
Lola Badia

Lo somni di Bernat Metge e Petrarca: Platone e Aristotele, oppinió e sciència çerta
Enrico Fenzi

Bernat Metge e gli auctores: da Cicerone a Petrarca, passando per Virgilio, Boezio e Boccaccio
Stefano Maria Cingolani

Bernat Metge in the Context of Hispanic Ciceronianism
Barry Taylor

A Tale of Disconsolation: A Structural and Processual Reading of Bernat Metge’s Lo somni
Roger Friedlein

Manuscripts and Readers of Bernat Metge
Miriam Cabré and Sadurní Martí

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